Wednesday, March 5, 2014

International Fiesta & Flag Parade

Stamford had it's annual International Fiesta and Flag Parade last week!  What a great event!!  I am so proud to have my kids at such a wonderful and diverse school!!

The student body represented over 65 countries - from Europe, to Africa, to the Middle East and of course Asia.  The flag parade was a sight to see!  The students and teachers dressed up in their country colors or traditional country costumes and marched out to their national anthem while the crowd cheered on!!!  It was like the opening ceremonies of the Olympics!

The US had the biggest representation, followed by the UK, then Australia.  I think Korea had the most students of the asian countries.  Following the flag parade, the students were able to sample new foods from the country "food booths."  The US booth was serving "pigs in a blanket" which I found hilarious!  :)

One of the missions of the school is to "foster open-minded students" and programs such as this really celebrate the diversity of the students.  Not only are they ethnically diverse, but most students have already lived in multiple countries and can speak multiple languages.

I'm so thankful for my kids to have this exposure at such a young age.  It's definitely one of the best parts about living overseas!!  xo

The Swede's were out in full force!

Mia's class!  Getting her wave on! 
(her grade and younger walked with their class.  Grade 1 & up walked with the large country groups)

 Sam crusin' by with his hands in his pockets - apparently he's "too cool for school" literally

Love the Korean outfits!

 Mia & some classmates - Hana who is Japanese Canadian and Maya from Australia

 Mia, Hana & Tirzah (who is Chinese, but lived in Texas & Indonesia before Singapore)

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