A lot going on here, so thought I'd give you all an update!
We are preparing for our trip home. It is a weird feeling since we had not planned on it at all. I am still trying to get my head around it, the long travels, etc. Getting really excited now and even though I'm not looking forward to the jet lag and weather, so worth it to get home and see the fam! I am now in a mad rush to get to Little India and Chinatown for authentic gifts to drag home!! We have no winter clothes and our warm blooded bodies will probably freeze regardless :)
We are doing a 3 day stopover in Hong Kong, en route to Chicago. Taking the kids to Hong Kong Disneyland, their first trip to Disney! We're excited, but I think the kids are even more excited to be heading back "home"!! Disney seems to be an afterthought, which I think is actually a good thing :)
My dad spent the weekend in the hospital getting more fluids and they are finally treating him for the high calcium that he's had in his blood since September. Doctors had not wanted to treat him until they figured out what was wrong, so to not mask symptoms. He saw multiple more doctors while at hospital and they still are not sure what the cause of his illness is. This is after 3 months of tests, blood work, scans and multiple visits to specialist doctors, rheumologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists, oncologists, etc. For now, they are treating it and are going to continue to monitor his blood work until the cause of it comes to the surface. While still not having a diagnosis is frustrating, at least he will start to feel better. We are excited to get home to see him. It's been so difficult being away while all of this has been going on. Really feeling the distance :(
Our helper, Josephine, moved in on Friday and so far, so good! The kids took to her right away and Mia has already claimed that she is the best helper in the whole condo :) My house has never been cleaner and it's great having her be able to run errands for me, prepare our meals and watch the kids as needed. All of the beds are even made by 8am! I think things are going to work out just fine ;), just need to get used to having another body in my house. She and I are still figuring out how to work together and I'm certainly not used to having someone wait on me and my kids!! I am used to being the "helper" so it's a little tough for me to stop doing things that I'm so used to doing. Again, though, getting used to it already :) She also irons everything, even jeans and undershirts. Nate doesn't know what to do with himself, as he could hardly get me to iron his work shirts. Ha!!
I am keeping busy helping out in the kids' classrooms. I worked on the Thanksgiving party and am now in the throws of crafting and getting prepared for their class Christmas parties on Friday!
Nate got back from the US Monday. He had this trip planned forever, so it's a quick turn, as we leave again on Saturday! He is a trooper! Just as he's getting over the jet lag, it will be time to do it again. Not feeling too terribly bad for him though, as he got to fly business class on a new 787 Dreamliner from Denver to Tokyo :) Could be worse and definitely helped to make the 24 hour journey back a bit more tolerable!!
Mia lost her first tooth on Friday night! SO fun!! Both bottom teeth have been wiggly for some time and one finally fell out! The other one is not far behind!! The missing tooth makes her look SO old!
We caved in and just ordered up a car! We're getting a Toyota Picnic when we get back to Sing in January. Funny name, but the car suits us perfectly. It's a small mini-van/suv type of thing and even has a small third row. I test drove it a few weeks ago, my first time driving on the "wrong" side! Driving the car with the steering wheel on the right and the feeling of driving the wrong way on the road was tough, but I only hit 1 curb! Not too bad!!
We are looking forward to the freedom and convenience that having a car will give us, especially on the weekends when we're wanting to go places as a family. It will also make it so much easier for me to get out to school during the week. The rainy season has started and I've already been caught out in the rain, schlepping Sam, shopping bags, umbrellas, etc. Cabs are impossible to get when it rains, so let's just say, I've been quite damp :)
We are getting in the Christmas spirit here in Singapore. The city is decked out in blue & white (yes, apparently the thought red & green lights and decor could be confusing to drivers who need to watching for stoplights, etc. Overly paranoid, I know! The kids had a Christmas festival at school this weekend, saw Santa, and on Friday night we played in the "snow" at a nearby mall! For a non-Christian country, Christmas is quite a deal!! Pics to follow!
xo, Sarah
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