He was one of two kids who left the class at noon, while the rest of the class stayed for the whole day. I also realized that his afternoons with me were kind of a drag on both of us!
Doing errands with me in the afternoon heat just wasn't his cup of tea :) I also didn't want him stuck in the condo all afternoon, vegging out to the iPad, being bored. Life in the city is just different, we have no park or play space close by, it's hard to get kids together for playgroups because most kids go to school all day and running errands with kids is just a pain due to the crowds, public transport hassles and heat.
I decided that school was the best place for Sam. He gets another afternoon of PE, recess, music and library and really, really loves it!
He and Mia are on the same bus and sit by each other. There is also an "auntie" on the bus who buckles everyone in and keeps the kids in line. They are the quietest buses ever...don't mess with the aunties!!!! Mia is doing a great job of watching out for Sam. He usually sleeps on the bus ride home and Mia makes sure to wake him up "so we don't miss our stop." :)
This has taken some getting used to on my end. It's the first time in 5-1/2 years that I have not had a kids or kids with me during the day! I kind of feel like I'm missing my right arm. But I do know that we made the best situation, based on the circumstances here.
I must admit though, I am enjoying my long morning showers, leisurely sipping on my coffee and being able to run errands sans kids! It's been a long time, but I think I can get used to it :)
I tried to post a comment from my phone but was rejected... Anyway, LOVE that Mia watches out for little bro to be sure he doesn't sleep through the stop. And Sam could not possibly be any more adorable than in that last picture on the bus!