I am proud to be an American today and everyday. I am thankful to have been born in a land of democracy and opportunity. I am especially nostalgic today as an American living abroad. As I watch the news coverage on TV, I miss home, but I am grateful...
I am grateful to have the opportunity to represent my country in this part of the world. I feel a great responsibility every day to positively represent the US through my words and actions. As an "anglo" living in Asia, I am constantly asked where I am from. From the cab drivers who inquire about cowboys, to the doorman who is curious about the size of my US home, to my handyman who wants to talk about the US involvement in Syria, we are the world leader and people are interested! I hope that I am a positive representation of my country in a place where America is a foreign concept and most will never have the opportunity to visit.
I am grateful for having such freedom and equality as a woman. It amazes me how many women in this part of the world do not have the basic freedoms and justices that we are so accustomed to. From the gang rapes in India, to the oppression in Indonesia and everyday violence in Africa, it is sad and seems so unfair that so many women must live in fear. There is truly no better place to be a woman than in the America.
I am also grateful to be living abroad in a country of tolerance and neutrality, where people of varying ethnicities, religions, cultures, race, can co-exist so harmoniously. I think it is Singapore's true gift! The country is a melting pot, where buddhists, hindus, muslims and christians live and worship side by side. Where the blonde Australian, ethic Chinese, sari doting Indian and burka-clad Malay, can be found having lunch together. Where there is an Arab mosque next door to an Hindu temple. Where I have never felt scared. There is a lot that the rest of the world can learn from Singapore.
So cheers to freedom, democracy, tolerance and peace on this 9/11. Feeling grateful and proud from 9,310.9 miles away :0 !!!
Beautifully written!!:)